This newsletter is definitely built on the shoulders of giants.

We’re going through dozens of weekly newsletters to select the best material for you.

Here are the top ones.

And yes, we read them all every week! (And more)

Primarily Data Engineering

Ananth’s newsletter is one of the few data engineering newsletters we’d say qualify ad mostly unbiased and primarily focused on good content. Ananth, a long list of popular and niche articles every week. With a focus on data engineering and sometimes a mix of machine learning in between.

SDG runs a small data engineering media empire with a huge Twitter account, a YouTube channel (great stuff on there), and a weekly newsletter.

Every week he explains a concept in simple terms - I love those!

Prukalpa, the cofounder of Atlan, runs Metadata Weekly—a weekly collection of stories from Atlans customers and their recent reading list. While the customer stories are interesting, certainly the best part is the “From Our Reading List” section. - Arpit Choudhury

Arpit has a great weekly newsletter where he explains concepts and trends inside the data engineering world. He has a long series on CDPs which I very much appreciate.

Chad talks a lot about organizing data work and teams. It’s a great complement to the more technically focused resources above.

While the AE roundup changed a lot over the years, it still features a lot of analytics & data engineering relevant content, especially if you use dbt and if you look into their “From around the web” section.

Tangential to Data Engineering

Benn’s substack occasionally is about data engineering and mostly is about ranting. Still, we skim through it every week to not miss any highlights. Because when he has something good, it is excellent!

While John focuses on alternative data, he also lists resources from around the web. These may or may not be about data engineering, but they certainly are always well-selected pieces and contain his commentary, which I always appreciate.

Lon has already published over 400 editions of his simple newsletter. He shares excellent content with a summary; I love his newsletter and am always keen to pick out the relevant 1-2 data engineering pieces he shares per edition.

While it’s not primarily a data engineering newsletter, the format makes it a super quick read so that you know within 5 secs whether this week is relevant to you. Thank you, Lon, for that!

💡Yes, you can pitch new (and great!) newsletters to us, but they won’t make the list unless they truly make our weekly reading list! Twitter /LinkedIn💡