Finish Slime #21

Data Visualizations, Data Mesh, Unblocking Data Teams

Data Engineering, Analytics. No ML, no AI. The weekly dose of the data content you actually want to read!

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Great Recent Stuff

This in-depth explanation of choosing the best color keys for visualizations is a must-read for anyone involved with reports & dashboards.

Data Meshes are complex setups; these roundtables provide valuable insights into the difficulties of setting them up and managing them.

Building data teams isn’t about technology but what the team achieves. For that, it needs trust across the organization. This podcast episode of the Joe Reis Show is about just that.

Arguably, the most crucial skill of the data engineer is understanding the business requirements. It’s the first domino to tip over all others. This article is a deep dive into a process you can use to uncover the true business requirements.

This is a long list of data resources, not just for data PMs but all data people. And yes, this newsletter happens to be on that list.

To understand the present, you must understand the past - the saying goes. That’s definitely true for most modern database technologies, Snowflake being one of the big ones.

Matt Ober makes an argument to stop treating alternative data as different. We should treat it as what it is: data.

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