Finish Slime #28

CDOs, A DuckDB IDE, Time Series Analysis

Data Engineering, Analytics. No ML, no AI. The weekly dose of the data content you actually want to read!

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Great Recent Stuff

Becoming data-driven sounds heavy work, but becoming more data-driven is actually easy. Just get inspired by these nine small steps.

While this article focuses on CDOs, there is no reason anyone could not use the same methods to create value with data; you can, too.

DuckDB is hot right now; Harlequin is a perfect CLI/ Terminal IDE to pair with DuckDB.

Arpit created a lovely model around building up data skills inside a company. It’s an interesting model to remember when starting your data journey.

The data contract seems to be rising, and is about to leverage that; read this to understand what data’s biggest problem is and how data contracts will solve it.

This interview offers a great view into Nick Schrock's history and what led him to found Dagster Labs, the company behind Dagster.

Inner, outer, cross, interlaced, full, null, empty - all those SQL flavors!

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