Finish Slime #29

Rust, Paying the Bills, Real-Time

Data Engineering, Analytics. No ML, no AI. The weekly dose of the data content you actually want to read!

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Great Recent Stuff

Data can be used in a variety of ways! This collection of nine different but telling stories is all about how the world's leaders in data utilize it.

Meltano, the company behind the open-source data integration framework Meltano, just announced a new product called Arch to bring the same excellent data engineering capabilities to software engineers (heads up: I’m the Head of Marketing at Arch). This demo is probably the best intro to it.

Learn about your business, listen to end-users, and communicate the strategy to end-users; those are the three tips to build a data-driven culture.

We don’t need more technical skills; we need more business skills to pay the bills.

Yes, data engineers should know at least what the Rust hype is about; this takes care of that. 

Materialize has been on the rise for some time now; it’s always good to get a reality check on real-time analytics.

Focus on what instead of how, have a decision-making framework, and focus on outputs; those are Ilan Man’s tips for mastering the human interface of data; read on for details.

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