Finish Slime #40

MDs for consultancies, data analytics consulting templates, data mesh buy-in

Data Engineering, Analytics. No ML, no AI. The weekly dose of the data content you actually want to read!

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Great Recent Stuff

Why the Modern Data Stack sucks for data consultancies looking to productize - The MDS shapes all our lives; however, for anyone looking for multi-tenancy, it can become a nightmare. 

7 Essential Templates for Data Analytics Consulting - Doing consulting work well isn’t just about doing excellent analytics work; everything else matters just as much. Ben put together a couple of his templates to share with you so you can speed up everything around consulting!

Getting Data Mesh Buy-In - This whitepaper by the Data Mesh Learning Community is a short and sweet document helping you to sell the idea of the data mesh to decision-makers inside your company.

Fastest Way to Read Excel in Python - reading Excel files with Python isn’t fun, a tutorial on doing it well.

What's Next for Malloy in 2024 - I still think SQL is the best, but it always pays to watch out for potential upcomers like Malloy.

DataHem odyssey - the evolution of a data platform, part 1 - does some good stuff; here, he shares his data platform journey. 

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